Hair Story of Honey & Olive
There is so much truth in the old cliche of "having a bad hair day." Feeling bad about the cut, style, touch, bounce and shimmer of our hair - or, more precisely, the lack of these - affects our morale like nothing else. But just like our skin, our hair is a barometer of our general health; it becomes duller and lankier the more tired and poorly nourished we are. It needs fresh air, fresh foods, sleep and low stress levels to maintain its shine. It also depends on a healthy scalp; a good scalp massage activates hair follicles and reduces tension in our heads.
One of the most striking features of tropical Asian women's beauty is their sleek and shiny hair. Historically their locks have been so lustrous precisely because of the lack of detergents available to them and their consequent reliance on nature's yield. Today, shampoo has taken over from coconut oil for washing, but hair remains a major focus of beauty ritual, and all manner of natural produce - flowers, oils, plant matter - are regularly applied to keep it glossy. Added to this, the traditional Asian diet based on fruits, vegetables, whole grains and oily fish is perfect nourishment for healthy hair. While proper cleaning and conditioning provides some of the best protection from environmental attack, manufactured hair products that contain harsh stripping chemicals can do more harm than good. Home Spa highlights some more natural remedies, specifically honey & olive mixed with their special blend of essential oils, tried and tested by the very women who tout those thick black tresses that speak for themselves.
visit www.spashop.tk