Vitamins and Minerals: Skin Essentials Vitamin A is very important for the health of your skin and eyes. The richest sources of this vitamin are cod liver oil, carrots, spinach, milk, and egg-yolk. If the diet is lacking in this vitamin, the skin becomes excessively dry and develops pimples. Vision at night becomes defective. But remember, you should also not overdose yourself with Vitamin A, because this also can cause dryness and roughness of the skin, falling of the hair and soreness of lips.
Cracking and soreness of lips also develop in vitamin B deficiencies. Meat, milk, green vegetables, pulses and cereals are rich sources of vitamin B.
Vitamin C is found in all citrus fruits. It is a very important constituent for the health of your skin.
Apart from vitamins, your diet should also include minerals. Iron makes the blood healthy - consequently it imparts a healthy pink glow to your skin. Iron is found in several green vegetables, in fruits and in meats. Zinc is also very important for the health of your skin. visit www.spashop.tk